Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The die rolls on

The founder of D&D, Gary Gygax, died yesterday. Never fear, though; his legacy will never die. Witness, for example, the Level 8 Ogre Mage seeking a partner on Craigslist.*

The whole ad is just rife with hilarity, so I'll let you enjoy it without commentary (and oh, the strength of will it's taking me to not comment!).

Also: faildogs, the canine response to LOLcats, apparently.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This corporation is brought to you by dreams and rainbows

Go here and read the first line, under "Administrative Concepts' Mission."

Oh, Administrative Concepts. You had such lofty beginnings. And now you're just another employee leasing specialist offering risk management and payroll services. How the mighty have fallen.

Discussion Questions:
(1) How would you build on a vision? Discuss construction materials and address possible weaknesses in the foundation.
(2) What do soaring eagles have to do with employee leasing specialists? For bonus points, include a diagram.
(3) What does Administrative Concepts mean to you?

Recent Events in my life, of middling to no interest

(1) Something that I said on the bus while talking to my brother about a video game, which in retrospect I realize made me sound like a crazy person and explains why everyone started staring at me: "Yeah, well just wait. Once you're out in space the military starts contacting you every two nanoseconds with some new emergency that only you can handle, like a biotic terrorist camp or a hostage situation or some rogue VI [virtual intelligence, for you non-nerds] that needs destroying."

(2) We really do have a full-on fridge thief. Last week he/she stole two full, unopened punnets of blueberries and a pint of yogurt. I'm serious. One day they were there, the next day... gone. I'm at a loss for how to proceed. When you make the kind of money that people in my industry make, and you work for an international company, in an office of over 200 people, who do you go to about your missing blueberries and yogurt?

(3) My fridge is broken, and has been for a week and a half now. There's some controversy about the warranty, I guess, which is part of the reason for the delay in fixing it. I'm honestly not that bothered, other than wondering how people stored food prior to fridges. Obviously they went grocery shopping everyday, and I think they generally had households large enough to finish the entire meal (i.e. less cooking for one). My officemate pointed out that they got food poisoning more often, too. Anyhow, I've been eating a lot of prepared salads for dinner as a result. Yum.

(4) Last night at a pub quiz, I was the only one in our group who figured out the answer to who created the periodic table: Mendeleev. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't riding on the high of remembering that for the rest of the night.