Monday, January 28, 2008

Beware Scalding Milk Tuesday

Yesterday, one of my friends was trying to make iced tea. When she poured the boiling water into the pitcher with the teabags, the pitcher cracked and she was forced to deal with steadily seeping boiling tea all over her kitchen.

Today, one of my friends was trying to melt some solidified honey in the microwave, but it exploded all over her and caused minor burns on her arms and legs, not to mention creating two hours of honey cleanup.

I am concerned. I know things don't always happen in threes, but it's often easy to make the coincidental connections so that they do. I'm not just going to pick an incident out of thin air, though. I have become convinced that tomorrow's incident (three in three days) will involve scalding milk, since that's the only remaining tea-related-ingredient which I think could realisitically burn someone.

Tomorrow, I am avoiding all milk.

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